Stage II Mesothelioma Treatment

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Mesothelioma may affect the lungs (pleural), heart (pericardial) or the abdomen (peritoneal). The extent of mesothelioma determines what sorts of treatment options are available. For Stage II cancer, the mesothelioma treatment strategies are somewhat similar to that of Stage I.

What is Stage II Mesothelioma?

Much like Stage I, Stage II Mesothelioma is a rare diagnosis. Most mesothelioma cancer diagnoses stem from late detection and it is fairly rare to have an early stage (Stage I or Stage II) mesothelioma diagnosis. If you have been diagnosed with Stage I or Stage II mesothelioma, however, this is far more promising news.
Fundamentally, Stage II Mesothelioma has encased the pleura of the lungs, heart or abdomen. In some cases the lymphatic system is involved, typically only with pleural mesothelioma, which is the most common form of the cancer.
Further, whether the mesothelioma is resectable, or in an operable place, is also a quantifying factor of staging. Most cases of Stage II Mesothelioma are resectable; however, as each individual is different, so are the treatment options.
It is important to understand that while earlier stages of mesothelioma are far easier to diagnose and treat, a cure for the disease has not yet been discovered.

What are the Common Treatments for Stage II Mesothelioma?

As with Stage I Mesothelioma, if the cancer is resectable or operable, mesothelioma surgery is the best treatment option for Stage II.
Treatment options will vary from patient to patient, however, and it is always best to consult with your oncologist or primary care physician to see what your available options are.

Radiation Therapy

As a collaborative and supportive treatment along with surgery and chemotherapy, radiation is a typical therapy method for Stage II Mesothelioma. Specifically, radiation therapy targets the cancerous cells, damaging the inherent DNA. By destroying the cancerous cells, radiation therapy inhibits any metastases.


Similarly to radiation therapy, chemotherapy stops the metastases of cancer by killing off the cancerous cells with chemotherapy drugs. Chemotherapy is a common treatment for many types of cancers and is commonly used to treat Stage II Mesothelioma.

Gene Therapy

Gene therapy is showing promise as a treatment option for Stage II Mesothelioma patients. During treatment, an individual's healthy genes are implanted into the patient with the aim of having the new, healthy genes replace cancerous cells. In some cases, genes can be manipulated to target specific cancerous cells. On-going research for this treatment modality continues and remains encouraging.


Immunotherapy, much like gene therapy, is still in its infancy but some studies are suggesting positive results in mesothelioma patients. With any type of cancer, especially mesothelioma, the disease compromises the immune system. Immunotherapy causes the white blood cells to target and invigorate unhealthy or cancerous cells. The long-term benefits and applications of immunotherapy are continuing to be researched.

Alternative Therapies

Alternative therapies may provide relief from symptoms and the side effects of cancer treatment. Acupuncture and massage therapy are both alternative treatments that integrate well with conventional treatment methods and provide much needed pain and stress relief to patients undergoing mesothelioma treatment.

Palliative Care

Palliative care is always provided to those with Stage II Mesothelioma. As there is no mesothelioma cure, most treatment plans include a palliative approach. This approach is aimed at alleviating the symptomatic pain and discomfort associated with conventional treatment such as chemotherapy. Palliative care designed is to provide the best quality of life for anyone suffering from a terminal disease.
Additional mesothelioma treatments may also be available. Consult with an oncologist to understand the full range of options that may be available to you

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