Caregiver Resources

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Caregivers are in a rewarding and sometimes difficult role. They are called upon constantly to keep on giving. The reality is, that unless they take time out to nurture and replenish themselves, there may come a day when there is little left to give. The support resources outlined below are designed to help caregivers find the support they need to renew, recharge, and rejuvenate so that they can continue doing what they love to do—care for their loved one.

Financial Planning

Financial resources and consulting services play an important role in helping mesothelioma patients and their families deal with the financial hardships that may be associated with obtaining treatment for the disease.

Health Insurance Planning

Obtaining treatment for an aggressive cancer like mesothelioma can be extremely costly. It is best for patients and families to be familiar with an individual's policy and physician network. Learn more about insurance considerations for cancer patients in this section.

Long-Term Care Planning

Cancer patients often require long-term care, both in specialized facilities and at home. Learn more about long-term care resources for mesothelioma patients in this section.

Long-Term Housing

While receiving care away from home, patients and families will often utilize long-term housing solutions like short-term condominiums and apartments. Learn more about services and special rates for cancer patients and their families in this section.

Patient Transport

Patients undergoing treatment for mesothelioma and other cancers must often travel far away from home to receive the best treatment available. There are many programs and companies who specialize in assisting those receiving care. Learn more about these and other transport services in this section.

Cancer Support Services

Cancer support services can be helpful for those battling a serious illness like mesothelioma as well as their families.

Care for the Aging

The number of senior citizens in America is increasing rapidly. As a result, a host of new challenges are being created for both caregivers and the aging population alike. Learn more about the resources in your geographic area that can help you understand and manage these challenges and provide greater peace of mind.

Counseling Resources

Patients diagnosed with cancer as well as their loved ones often feel a series of emotions that can be difficult to understand. Please review our information on counseling to see how it can help improve your mental health in your battle with cancer.

Spiritual Guidance

Those who have been diagnosed with mesothelioma or other types of terminal cancer can find tremendous comfort from spiritual programs and other resources. Learn more about the spiritual resources that are available in your area.

End of Life Planning

Planning for the end of life can be a difficult endeavor to undertake especially for someone who has been diagnosed with a terminal cancer like mesothelioma. Taking the time to face end of life issues, however, such as the establishment of living trusts, wills and DNR's or funeral planning can help ease the burden of a patient's loved ones during a difficult time. Learn more about the resources that are available to help with end of life planning.

Support for Caregivers

Caregivers are to be commended for the special role they play in the lives of those they care for. Their job is not always easy and caring for a parent, sibling, other family member or friend with cancer, like mesothelioma, can sometimes leave them feeling depleted.
For this reason it is important that caregivers also take time to nurture and replenish themselves. The cost of not doing so can be both mental and physical exhaustion, which is dangerous not only for the person being cared for but also the caregiver themselves. Support can come from a variety of different sources. It may come from the other family members and friends that are available to provide the caregiver with a much-needed break. But it may also come from outside sources, including "support groups" made up of others who are charged with the same responsibilities.

Mesothelioma and Cancer Books

We have compiled a selection of the top 11 ranking cancer books based on research done through the American Cancer Society,, Johns Hopkins University, Barnes & Noble and

Other Helpful Websites

American Cancer Society

The "Cancer Information" section includes practical information on psychosocial issues affecting cancer patients. Topics range from home health care to pain control to managing grief.


Information from the National Cancer Institute's PDQ database covers many specific cancers, including mesothelioma, featuring overviews and treatment options.

Center for Disease Control & Prevention

This Web site offers visitors a comprehensive database of data and statistics.


Created and maintained by the University of Pennsylvania, Oncolink offers information about all aspects of cancer, including mesothelioma cancer for patients and families, from specific types of cancer to ways of coping to the newest information on treatments.

Mesothelioma Applied Research FoundationMesothelioma Applied Research Foundation

A national non-profit organization dedicated to finding a cure for mesothelioma and providing support to mesothelioma victims and their families.

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