Brewing Companies

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Some of the largest brewing companies in America have rich histories dating as far back as the late 1800’s. The plants that these breweries operated out of were constructed at a time when asbestos was a popular fire-proofing and insulating material. In fact, it was the material of choice for virtually all applications that required heat resistance, insulation or fire proof capability. As a result, the materials and products used in the construction of the physical plants as well as the manufacturing equipment running inside of them contained asbestos. This put brewery workers, including plant and equipment maintenance workers, at risk of asbestos exposure which is known to cause the fatal cancer called mesothelioma.
Provided below is a list of brewing companies by state for your reference. If you worked at any one of these brewing companies there is a chance that you may have been exposed to asbestos and are at risk of developing an asbestos-related disease.


  • Phillip Schillinger Brewing Company


  • Arizona Brewing Company
  • National Brewing Company


  • Acme Brewing Company
  • Balboa Brewing Company
  • Buffalo Brewing Company
  • Fresno Brewing Company
  • Golden West Brewing Company
  • Los Angeles Brewing Company
  • Lucky Lager Brewing Company
  • Mathie Brewing Company
  • Regal Amber Brewing Company
  • San Diego Brewing Company
  • Schlitz Brewing Company


  • Walter Brewing Company
  • Zang Brewing Company


  • Columbia Brewing Company
  • Cremo Brewing Company
  • Weibel Brewing Company


  • Gould Brewing Company
  • Southern Brewing Company


  • Anheuser-Busch
  • Carling Brewing Company
  • Miller Brewing Company, Inc


  • Bartholomae and Leicht Brewing Company
  • Bemis and Mc Avoy Brewing Company
  • Decatur Brewing Company
  • Ernest Brothers Brewing Company
  • Gottfried Brewing Company
  • Manhatten Brewing Company
  • Pabst Brewing Company
  • Peter Fox Brewing Company
  • Pioneer Brewing Company
  • Prima Bismarck Brewing Company
  • Rock Island Brewing Company
  • United States Brewing Company


  • American Brewing Company
  • F.W. Cook Brewing Company
  • Peoples Brewing Company
  • Terre Haute Brewing Company


  • Des Moines Brewing Company


  • Bavarian Brewing Company
  • Falls City Brewing Company Inc.
  • Heidelberg Brewing Company
  • Lexington Brewing Company
  • Phoenix Brewing Company
  • Wiedermann Brewing Company


  • Dixie Brewing Company
  • Standard Brewing Company


  • Cumberland Brewing Company
  • Gunther Brewing Company
  • Theodore Hamm Brewing Company


  • Carling Brewing Company
  • Enterprise Brewing Company
  • Hampden Brewing Company
  • Harvard Brewing Company
  • Springfield Brewing Company


  • Bosch Brewing Company
  • E. N. Voight Brewing Company
  • Goebel Brewing Company
  • Grand Rapids Brewing Company
  • Pfeiffer Brewing Company


  • Columbia Brewing Company
  • Empire Brewing Company
  • Fred Heim Brewing Company
  • M.K. Goetz Brewing Company

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