Asbestos Sites by Type

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The majority of individuals diagnosed with mesothelioma or other asbestos related diseases were exposed to asbestos while on the job. The use of asbestos was widespread in the 1900s and asbestos products could be found in jobsites across a variety of industry segments. As a result, many individuals who worked at those jobsites were placed at risk for developing mesothelioma. has organized a directory of asbestos jobsites by industry for your reference. We are in the process of adding more jobsites to the database which we will continue to expand over time. Please be sure to check back often!
Click on a link below to see a list of jobsites where asbestos exposure may have occurred in that industry.

Military Sites
Asbestos was used both in the construction of buildings at air force military bases as well as in the warplanes and aircraft that comprised the air force fleet.
View more information about the types of ships where many of our clients were exposed to asbestos.
Many of our clients were exposed to asbestos in shipyards across the country. We have collected brief histories and information on some of the major shipyards where our clients have been exposed.
Commercial and Industrial Sites
We have collected a list of the major Aluminum Plants across the country where our clients have been exposed to asbestos.
Some of the Nation’s largest brewing companies were located in old industrial sites. Asbestos was used extensively in the construction of these plants and the heavy equipment installed in them.

Browse through a list of some of the major Chemical Plants where our clients have been subject to asbestos exposure.

We have collected information on some of the major Oil Refineries where our clients have been placed at risk to develop asbestos related diseases like mesothelioma.

Our clients have been exposed to asbestos at some of these power plants across the country.

We have collected a list of some of the major Steel Mills across the United States where our clients have been exposed to asbestos.

Other Sites
Various automobile parts were once made from asbestos fibers because of its fire and heat resistance. Brakes, clutches, gaskets and other, older car parts may contain the hazardous material.

Homeowners may not be fully aware of the potential dangers that exist in homes from asbestos products like insulation, tiling, roofing, siding and more.

Many teachers were exposed to asbestos in older school buildings across the country. Learn more about the risks associated with asbestos in schools.

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