Asbestos Products

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Although asbestos was used in a wide array of products and industrial settings (e.g., aluminum plants), there were numerous risk factors associated with its use. Those who manufactured these products as well as those who worked with them directly (like union workers and construction workers) are at risk to develop asbestos diseases such as malignant mesothelioma. Mesothelioma research has even shown that asbestos exposure is linked to high rates of mesothelioma in veterans. Federal law requires that newly-manufactured products contain no more than 1% asbestos, but there are also a number of popular asbestos alternatives available that are environmentally safe and pose limited health concerns to the user. Please visit our asbestos alternatives section. This section provides content focused on cost-effective and safe options that do not contain asbestos. Our extensive research has disclosed that asbestos was used in the following products:

Adhesives, Cements, Mortar, Sealers

Asbestos Paper, Rollboard, Millboard

Automotive Materials, Friction

Cement Pipes, Cement Boards, Sheets, Plastics

Clay, Compounds, Paints, Plasters

Electrical, Mechanical Products

Flooring, Tiles

Gaskets, Packing, Packing Materials

Home Use Products

Panels, Wallboard, Wallcoverings

Pipe Covering and Block

Protective Clothing

Protective Coatings, Fireproofing

Raw Asbestos Fiber

Refractory Products

Roofing, Shingles, Siding

Rope, Wick, Cord, Tape, Cork

Textiles, Felts, Cloth

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