Weekly Journal

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The whole week I was looking forward to one day; Saturday. That was the day that I will receive my own car, a Fiat 500. And I can tell you that this is my dream car for many years. So you can understand that I was really excited about it. Every day I was looking at the photos of my car and I really couldn't wait. The days went by, we had some warm summer days and I decided to wear my new dress. But we also got a few less summer days. Those days I was sitting on my couch in the evening with a warm sweater on.

Finally it was Saturday and I can tell you that I haven't been that excited about something that I bought in my whole life. My own car gives me more freedom and it is just great to drive around, go to my friends, visit beautiful cities and see more from my own country. I will look at my car every single day and enjoy every km that I drive with it!

Wearing the flower pants

Sweet flower in my room

My life quote and do you see the huge bottles of Chanel perfume

All Maison Scotch

It is dress day

Nice! Had the opportunity to try these Vita Coco water

My precious car

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