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Mesothelioma and asbestos exposure have long been linked. Since the early days of the Holy Roman Empire, it was noted that slaves who worked in asbestos mines had severe pulmonary problems and died at an early age. However, in the last several decades, it has become apparent that there are other potential causes for the development of this rare form of cancer.
A study conducted by McDonald and McDonald in 1980 indicated that some 25 to 33 percent of all cases of mesothelioma cancer have no connection whatsoever to asbestos exposure. However, studies have been made that zero in on some other specific causes. One of those is exposure to zeolite.

What is Zeolite?

Known in scientific terms as hydrated alkali aluminum silicate, zeolites are a group of minerals that contain mostly hydrated aluminum and silicon compounds. Their common names are Clinoptilolite, Erionite, Phillipsite, andMordenite. They are found in volcanic rock and ashes and sometimes used as additives in animal feeds. Because of their porous structure, zeolites may be used as absorbents, desiccants, detergents, and as water and air purifiers.
Zeolites have enjoyed some use in the health field as well including as dietary supplements for hangovers and an adjuvant therapy for various types of cancer. (These are not FDA-approved treatments.) However, there is a lack of data supporting zeolite’s efficacy and there is no conclusion as to whether zeolites are safe, as the mineral’s systemic effects on the body are not totally clear at this point without more research.

The Link to Mesothelioma

What is clear, however, is that exposure to zeolite dust is associated with an increased risk for developing malignant mesothelioma. Simply put, zeolites are carcinogenic when inhaled. As a matter of fact, the International Agency for Research on Cancer lists zeolite as a Group 1 Carcinogen, a categorization used when there is sufficient evidence of mesothelioma carcinogenity in humans.
Erionite, a form of zeolite fibers, has been definitively linked to a mesothelioma epidemic in the villages of the Anatolian Plateau in Turkey. In these villages, the local volcanic tuff was filled with toxic zeolite fibers. A report on the epidemic was published in the March 15, 2006 issue of The Journal of the National Cancer Institute.
Doctors in Turkey embarked on a 23-year study that followed 891 men and women who lived in three different Turkish villages in the Cappadocia region. In two of the villages, the residents were exposed to erionite. The third was used as a control. During the study, which stretched from 1979 until 2003, 372 individuals died. Of all those who passed away, 119 were stricken with mesothelioma cancer and died as a result of the disease or complications of the disease. In the two villages where residents were exposed to the toxic mineral, the pleural mesothelioma death rate was 44.5 percent. There were only 2 deaths from mesothelioma in the control village and both of those individuals were born outside of that control village.
Those who analyzed the data, including Harvard professor Philippe Grandjean, M.D., Ph.D., determined the incidence of mesothelioma in the two erionite-laden villages to be 200 and 700 per 100,000 people annually. In the control village, there were only 10 cases per 100,000 individuals. Hence, the conclusion was that long-term erionite exposure was responsible for the very high incidence of asbestos cancer in certain Cappadocian villages on the Anatolian Plateau.
After the study was complete, the authors suggested that local officials concentrate on ways to prevent environmental exposure to these dangerous zeolite fibers in the hopes of lowering residents’ risk for developing mesothelioma disease.
In the United States, natural deposits of erionite have been located in a handful of western states, particularly Arizona, Nevada, Utah, Oregon, North Dakota, South Dakota, and Montana. A report on ereonite/zeolite in the U.S. (Rom, W. N., K. R. Casey, W. T. Parry, C. H. Mjaatvedt and F. Moatamed. 1983. Health implications of natural fibrous zeolites for the Intermountain West. Environ Res 30(1): 1-8) notes that residents of what is considered the “intermountain West” may be exposed to fibrous zeolite in ambient air and, hence, susceptible to the development of mesothelioma. North Dakota is currently conducting a study relating to erionite exposure among residents of that vast mountainous state.

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